Discovering the Golden Age of Illustration and Developing Your Usage of Line in Your Drawings

Your Lesson for the next two weeks:

Watch the two videos below carefully. Answer the assessment form directly. Create four line drawings, 2 from each photo of the white roses as shown at the bottom of this page. Use either the brush pen that I asked you to purchase in the fall, use a fine black pen, or if you have no choice use a standard black ball point pen. The drawings should be at least 5x7” in size on standard white paper. When you are finished, put the four images together and make a nicely lit photo of the drawings. Send the image to . Please submit 4 detailed drawings that contain all the elements listed below. You will have two full weeks to submit these drawings. As you view The Golden Age of Illustration video that I created, observe the four dynamics that the masters of illustration used that I list below.

In the videos below you will observe the following dynamics that I hope to see in your 4 drawings.

  1. Atmospheric Perspective (the background of the image needs to be defined in a light manner so as to give the drawing depth and push the image forward)

  2. Intentional line direction (all your lines need to have an intentional direction that either leads the eye in a rhythm, pattern, or single direction)

  3. Detailed shading elements (use your hatching and cross hatching shading so that the lines turn into shading and not just lines that are so few that they muddy up the image making it look sloppy)

  4. Defined contour lines (each flower and leaf should have a contour line that defines its organic shape prior to shading it)

One of the most prolific illustrators of the Golden Age was Franklin Booth. View this short video and get inspired for your 4 line drawings. Notice how his lines flow with the subject matter. Observe the atmospheric perspective (the backgrounds) in his drawings. See how there is movement in his work the keeps you attention.

Below: Use the photographs of the white roses below for your assignment over the next two weeks. Produce 2 drawings per image for a total of 4 drawings. Practice your usage of line using the 4 dynamics listed above. Send one image of the 4 drawings together to .

White Roses 31.jpg
Flowers 2.jpg