Bonzo Standard Two:

Creativity through Risk- Rewards largely come from risk. We took our first risk when we first learned how to walk, or as an adult we take a risk in playing the stock market. Everyone is wired together in a unique creative manner. Everyone therefore has a the creative gene or creative fingerprint. Mistakes become our greatest teachers if we are not afraid to take risks.

It is important to realize that within art there are no boundaries, rules, or errors to be made. Art is the opposite of the STEM subjects that require such boundaries and rules. Art is not a game where there is a referee or judge. The only boundaries that exist in art would be within the realm of the graphic arts that present deadlines, size issues, etc. Therefore freedom of expression comes at a no risk opportunity. You as the artist set up your own boundaries, values, and established elements and principles of design.

Many of you might be saying, “My problem is that I am not creative.” In saying that you have already established a boundary. Everyone is creative in various ways. It may be that you simply have not discovered your particular creative element yet, but in time it will show itself.

Here are some ways to take simple risks that could lead you in a good direction:

  1. Practice signing your name with your eyes closed. Create your signature as a symbol or a design in this way.

  2. Practice drawing with the opposite hand. If you are right handed then try drawing with your left hand. This will produce a more interesting line that has more feeling and depth to it.

  3. Study the art of Jackson Pollock. His action painting of tossing paint onto the canvas was a giant risk that helped to change the face of art.

In the form below think of a time that you took a risk and that it paid off for you. Press submit when finished.