Rediscovering Drawing & Understanding Negative Space

 The brain thinks in images, not words. When you dream you dream in images that connect or flow like a movie. You retain information in images first and words fall in behind the images. Therefore, if we think in images first then we can improve our thinking, our minds, by seeing and creating those images through drawing. Drawing therefore, can make you smarter.

But many of you state, “But, I can’t draw!” Yes you can. Drawing is like any language. You simply need to discover the visual letters or techniques.

Your assignment for this week is in three parts. Assignment number one is to view the short video below. Assignment number two is to produce two small drawings of three different objects, or things, or animals or persons. You are to draw the background of the objects, things, persons or animals only. Do not outline your subject or draw any element of your subject. These drawings need not be massive or detailed. You will notice that you have formed the subject in a manner that you had not realized. You will discover that there is such a thing as negative space, and that negative space often defines the subject in ways you had never considered.

When you are done with your two drawings place them side by side and make a photo of them using a cell phone. Send the image to . Make sure your name, class, and block are in the email. Please send .jpg images. These sort of files are almost always the default files on cell phones.

Assignment number three is to learn the vocabulary words in lesson one of the art vocabulary listing. Click on the button below.

The time line for this assignment is one week. Good luck!


Above: Here are three student samples of your assignment.

Your video to view is below.